A Special Offer from:

Christiene Renee
Christiene Renée

A Complete Stress Package

1) The Better Rx: The Stress Solution
(A $79 Value)

Release the Resistance, Restore Relaxation and Raise Your Vibration.

What if you could transform your stress response and experience more calm, ease and relaxation, as well as vitality, great energy, joy and happiness? The Stress Solution is an immediate and empowering stress relief support system to help you release resistance and restore relaxation, while lifting your vibration to a place that is essential in fostering and allowing greater health and well-being.

Package Includes:
    * 3 "The Stress Solution" mp3 audio downloads for Instant Access
            Each Under 25 Minutes in Length for Fast and Effective Relief
                with Guided EFT Power Scripts
                and 1 Powerful Integrating Hypnosis Segment
                - Immediate Stress Relief (Includes Hypnosis)
                - Empowerment Now
                - Calm Body, Peaceful Mind
     * 91-page eBook Packed with Immediate and Long-term Value
     * 4 Special Bonus EFT Power Scripts
                Being You
                Healthy Relationships
                Health & Wealth
                A Boost of Confidence
     * The Stress Response Assessment
     * Life Balance Wheel
And More....

2) Empowerment Now™ (Series 1)              
                                 (A $127 Value)

Empowerment Now is a series of 5 new powerful techniques to shift your life and relationships. Clear the obstacles, and fill your life with connection to what really matters. It's about creating "right relationship" with just about everything in your life, because when you do, this alignment allows a flow of positive life force energy that supports your health and well-being in every way. With guided releasing, clearing and bringing in more of what you truly desire, you'll be amazed with the daily shifts as you watch your life and relationships expand as you do.

Package Includes:

     * 5 "Empowerment Now" mp3 audio downloads for Instant Access
            Each Under 15 Minutes in Length so You Can Do Them Anytime
 - The Pedestal: Remove barriers that inhibit your true self-worth, inner
                power, connection and equality in all your relationships.
            - The Give Back: Clear your life and relationships of limiting thoughts,
               beliefs, constructs and actions with integrity, love and consciousness.
            - Into Alignment:
Get into alignment with yourself, your guides, your
               highest self, another person, money, life purpose and receive answers
             - Pure Positive Flow: Fill your being and every aspect of your life with
               pure, positive energy and watch your life expand as you do!
             - Fast Forward: See yourself in the future to create an exciting and
                fulfilling life path Today. See, feel and hear exactly what you need to
                take inspired action with ease, grace, peace and joy!

Testimonial: "Thank you! I’ve just birthed a new offering for my work and I’m very excited! I feel this burst of creativity has been a direct result of listening to your new mp3s. I listened to your three new ones this morning and all of a sudden I started having really great ideas start coming in one after the other. I’m in the process of integrating this amazing flow of energy. Wow!" Angela, NY

3) Gotta Get Balanced Summit Special Bonus
                        Love and Balance Mastery

                                                                (A $127 Value)

In Love and Balance Mastery is a series of 3 powerful audios created for the Gotta Get Balanced Summit. I created the bonus audios to support clearing and shifting for greater depth and integration of deserving, being in touch with needs, aligning with the field of infinite possibilities and expanding life and relationships; all within the realm of love and balance. It's my intention that with each listening, there is a restoring and strengthening of personal integrity, power and alignment with one's inherent value, with unconditional love and acceptance of all that is. And a bubbling of excitement, potential, and conscious awareness as we play in the field of infinite possibilities and expand our heart's desire in life, and all our relationships. Enjoy.
 Package Includes:
       * 3 Powerful "Love and Balance" mp3 audio downloads for Instant Access
            Each Includes EFT and other Techniques for Greater Love and Balance
              - In Love and Balance Mastery: I Deserve, I AM   
              - In Love and Balance Mastery: Manifesting in the Realm of Infinite

              - In Love and Balance Mastery:
Expanding Relationships, Work, Health
                    and Wealth


This Complete Package is Valued at $333

Get it Now for ONLY $127
(More Than 60% Savings)