A Special Offer from:

Diane Rolfs
Diane Rohlfs

"Unlock Your Potential"
 Self Hypnosis Audio & Workbook

Stress is here to stay. Let’s learn to deal with it.

Stress affects us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially... especially during times of chaos. Not a day in your life goes by without encountering a situation or event that may trigger stress. And that's OK. By identifying and understanding the sources of your stress, you learn how to better manage it.

So...What Stresses You?

Stress affects your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it. You may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent forgetfulness or your decreased productivity at work. But sometimes stress is to blame. Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body physically. 

When you recognize common stress symptoms, you can take steps to manage them.

Hypnosis can help you manage your stress.

Hypnosis can allow you to control the “fight/flight response” to stress. We are all born with a primitive survival mechanism called the “fight/flight” response to danger. This instinct has been inherited from billions of years of evolution. 5,000 years ago, if someone was confronted by a wild animal, he would either run away or stand his ground and physically fight against this animal. His body would automatically prepare in many ways for the action required to survive. His heart beat would increase, his blood pressure would go up , his breathing would become more rapid, muscles would tense to prepare for the fight or to flee, his hands would get cool and clammy, digestion and libido would be reduced, his immune system would be reduced, allowing his energy to be concentrated on running or fighting and the primitive brain would take over reducing his ability to think clearly, instead making him more reactive to this fear or anger. These are “hard-wired” responses that are triggered when we perceive danger whether it is real or imagined. Your perception of danger is what kicks in this response.

Every one’s perception of stress is not the same.

We are not faced with many wild animals in our everyday life but our perception of danger has grown. What is your perception of danger in your life today? Today we are faced with stress each and every day. As a society we have allowed ourselves to become chronically stresses. Stress is a normal part of our day live in this age. Chaos is a part of each life on a regular basis any more. In order to train your body to be able to think thru the chaos we need to train our body to relax and stop the fight/flight response from taking over.

Hypnosis can do this for you. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. You create a level of relaxation within yourself in order to allow your blood to flow freely thru your entire body so you can function perfectly during chaos. This Course in self hypnosis will help you learn how to over ride this fight/flight instant at will. When you can do this you will find it easier to be relaxed, calm and stress free during any situation.

Learn How You Can Use Self Hypnosis to
Unlock Your Potential

Get the Self-Hypnosis Audio and Workbook
for ONLY $179

(A $65 Savings)