A Special Offer from:

Laurie Polinski
Laurie Polinski

3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your Authentic Purpose
6-Session On-Line Course

Everyone has the potential to live a truly inspired, fulfilling and joy-filled life.

So many women feel like life is out of control.  You long for a life that is more satisfying and joyous
.  You’ve been told that you can have it all and you can live the life of your dreams.  And, frankly, you’d love to – if someone would only show you how! 

A good part of your life has been devoted to attending to and meeting the needs of others.  Now it feels like it’s finally time to figure out what’s next for you!  You may be feeling a deep sense of urgency around discovering and giving your greatest gift to the world.  And yet you find yourself struggling, passionately searching, for exactly how to uncover your gifts, strengths and purpose, how to make a meaningful difference, and finally how to live the life you were meant to live.

The good news is, you’re not alone.  In fact, at this very moment, millions of woman just like you are searching for ways to align themselves with their higher calling and deeper purpose.  This is a unique time in our world, and some say it’s a global “awakening” of proportions never seen in our history.

The stress, anxiety and struggle you feel while searching for more meaning and satisfaction in your life is not your fault.   We simply were never taught how to honor our authentic nature and recognize our true path.  Fortunately, there are ways—proven methods—to uncover your real potential and to live a life that is as deeply fulfilling as it is meaningful.  Here, you’re going to learn the foremost system for bringing your highest potentials into the reality of your daily life, relationships and career so that you can now begin living a truly inspired, fulfilling and joy-filled life.

Living a Life of Your Dreams

Calls for Awareness, New Skills and Creativity

You see, it not only takes a deep sense of passion for making a difference to discover and live your true purpose; you need to become aware of your in-born gifts, strengths and desires.  You need someone to help you see what is holding you back and keeping you playing small.  And you need to rediscover the part of you that knows how to create what you really want in your life, relationships and career.

Living and fulfilling your life’s purpose requires that you unearth your “forgotten gifts.”    It’s time to re-attune to your natural, instinctive attributes so that you can experience life in its fullest expression.

Unfortunately for most of us, these skills weren’t taught to us by our parents, in our schools or churches; they aren’t recognized by our society, and aren’t honored in our mainstream workplace.  But, yet, these are innate gifts and qualities that we were all born with and are the key to living life to its fullest.

So if you feel like you don’t know where to turn to find the missing piece, or figure out what your next step is, here’s very good news:

Announcing “The 3 Keys to Discovering

and Living Your Authentic Purpose”

Laurie Polinski spent many years of her life sensing that there was something more, something that seemed to be missing in her life.  Through her own process of self-discovery, Laurie discovered the keys that unlocked the secrets to living her life feeling whole, inspired, and passionate.  It is now Laurie’s mission to help others rediscover their gifts, passions and purpose so that they can experience the fullness of life in their every-day.  Laurie has developed a proven system and helped countless others awaken their true potential and transform their lives to more joy, more meaningful relationships and a greater sense of satisfaction.  Since 2002, Laurie has dedicated her life to empowering people to discover and finally live their life’s purpose.

Key #1 Discovering Your Unique Brilliance

You are already perfect; most people just haven’t yet recognized their true brilliance.

·        Unearth the seeds of magic that have long been kept buried, waiting for you to
     uncover them.

·        Learn to infuse every moment with purpose and potential no matter how “ordinary”
     the moment may seem to be.

·        Discover your authentic self and your Divine Purpose so you can live your life in
     alignment with your natural gifts.

Key #2 Developing New Skills

Until now, our lives have been very single-dimensional; based solely on reason and logic.  Unfortunately, our inner sense and natural instincts were often undermined – forgotten and left untapped – so most people don’t have access to their greater inner intelligence.  Once developed, our lives flow with richer, more rewarding and satisfying opportunities and experiences.

·        Learn how your internal guidance helps you open doors to greater wisdom,
     potential and opportunities.

·        Tap into the power of your inner wisdom and experience increased awareness,
     greater peace of mind and personal happiness.

·        Develop your inner sense and natural instincts so you can create a fuller, richer
     and more abundant life.

Key #3 Overcoming Blocks and Barriers

Self-doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, stress and feeling stuck are mostly a result of blocks and barriers that we acquired long ago.  These blocks and barriers hold you back, keep you stuck and keep you from reaching your full potentials in your life, relationships and career.  It’s time to recognize what blocks you so you can discover and live your purpose.

·        Break free from unconscious, self-sabotaging thoughts and beliefs that do not
     serve you.

·        Have a new perspective that inspires and motivates you to take the next steps in
     your life.

·        Become a creator of your reality with the inherent creative abilities you already

 If you are ready to tap into your greater potentials and learn some powerful techniques you can apply in every aspect of your life, relationships and career to assist you on your wonderful journey, then this program is for you!

 It’s time to stop simply going through the motions, letting outside forces control your life, and break through to a new vision of who you really are and what is really possible for you.  After this program, you will have the keys to be able to start making meaning, productive changes in your life. 

 “3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your Authentic Purpose” 6-Week On-Line Course will tell you how to tap into your inner wisdom, trust your inner guidance system and unlock the doors to greater possibilities in all areas of your life.

  “3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your Authentic Purpose” 6-Week On-Line Course is for you if:

·        You are no longer satisfied playing small and are ready to find your right path and
     immediately begin taking steps toward living your authentic purpose.

·        You want to leave behind years of self-doubt and fear and have greater self-
     confidence and inner-knowing.

·        You are ready to break through invisible barriers that have held you back and kept
     you stuck so that you can finally move forward.

·        You are tired of feeling like life is spinning out of control and you are now ready to
     be the creator of your own reality and live the life you’ve dreamt of.

·        You yearn for more satisfying work, deeper, more meaningful relationships, and to
     share your unique gifts and make a difference in a bigger way.

One of my favorite things about this course is the opportunity to spend with this community on live Q&A Coaching Calls!  Most on-line courses are designed only for one-way communication – the coach or trainer speaking to you.  “3 Keys to Discovering & Living Your Authentic Purpose” 6-Week On-Line Course is designed so that you can get your questions answered and receive on-the-spot coaching so that you can keep moving forward on your journey to uncovering your authentic purpose and reaching your highest potentials.

 Incredible Special for Mary’s Group Only:  Save $350!!!

    Get it Now for ONLY  $147

This course begins March 20th and runs for 6 weeks until April 24th.
The calls are live every Tuesday night at 7pm central time.
They are recorded in case anyone misses a live call.